Important! Please Read!

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For better understanding of Islam and Muslims, I suggest reading the posts in order starting from August with the label Introduction to Islam (scroll down and look to the right for blog archive for proper order (from bottom to top)).

If you are interested in learning more about Islam and Muslims and would like additional materials/information, please leave a comment and I will try my best to help.

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**I do not intend to argue or debate with anyone, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and beliefs. If something is personal, disrespectful, or offensive, keep it to yourself. THINK BEFORE YOU ACT! (this includes what you type) If you do not wish to learn about Islam or Muslims, but just want to start trouble, do it somewhere else, not here! (or better, don't start trouble at all) Haters are NOT welcome here!

Please leave comments or questions you may have regarding Islam or Muslims. I will get to them as soon as possible. Enjoy your time here!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

8 Easy Steps to Finish the Qur’an This Ramadan by Haafidha Rayhaanah Omar

It has been said that everything has a beloved & that the month of Ramadan has a beloved, too: the Glorious Qur’an. And so for the duration of this month, Muslims worldwide honor Ramadan’s beloved & aspire to complete the recitation of the Qur’aan.

In this article you’ll learn how you too, can work towards achieving this noble goal, inshaAllah.

Step 1: Establishing an intention

Our beloved Messenger (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) taught us – through his words & actions – the importance of ones intent or purpose. Establishing one’s intention is an effective catalyst to implementation. Once your intention has been established, remember to renew it often. Whilst reciting & even upon completion of Qur’an, recall your intention & renew it, thus ensuring that it is constantly purified & you are seeking His divine acceptance, inshaAllah.

Step 2: Don’t be overwhelmed

For some, as much as they aspire to complete the recitation of the Qur’an during Ramadan, they are overwhelmed by the number of pages or the length of some Surahs. Remove ‘I can’t’ from your vocabulary & eliminate negative thinking for the believer puts their trust in Allah matched by striving with their actions. Remind yourself that you are (Allah willing) fully capable of achieving your Qur’aanic aspirations, whether it be completing 1 or 5 times the completion of al-Qur’an. This second point is key. Put your heart into this accomplishment & reap the rewards throughout, inshaAllah.

Step: 3 Plan ahead

Prior to commencing with your recitation, it’s important to plan around your routine and block out time for your Qur’an goal (e.g. your work hours, rest hours & any other commitments which you may have). Structure a realistic plan of how to complete the recitation of Qur’aan within the month by dividing each Juzz up per day. Draw up this personal plan, review it constantly, and put it into action!

As you put your plan to paper, consider past Ramadans and ask yourself if there have been instances where you were unable to complete Qur’anic recitation. Reflect over why & how this occurred? Is there a different mechanism that you could put into place? How could you enhance your daily Qur’an routine if these distractions were dealt with?

Take the first opportunity that comes, to begin your Qur’anic quest. So when the moon is sighted & the announcement has been made for the 1st Salaatul-Taraweeh, begin in earnest, with Surah al-Fatiha, Surah al-Baqarah, etc.

Step 4: Understanding Qur’an

Read the translation of the Juzz you will be reciting daily. Having a basic knowledge of the theme, topic, message & meaning of what you are reciting makes the recitation of the Qur’an an incredibly uplifting experience that you do not want to miss out on!

Step 5: Find Qur’an buddies & compete in good

Develop close bonds with brothers/sisters who are known for their attachment to the Qur’an. They’ll be your spiritual friends. Engage a Qur’an buddy in your noble Qur’an productivity goals. Request that they remind you to fulfill your goals & spiritual aspirations so they can help you at times of slacking.

In life we compete with many materialistic goals and race one another but what about following the footsteps of the best generations that had come before us in a competition this Ramadan? In striving & competing with our friends & colleagues, in a good-natured way, towards our noble goals we can motivate ourselves to finish our Qur’an goal.

One of the common aspects which deter a Muslim from completing this task is excessive communication. Often, many of us spend too much unnecessary time surfing the net, chatting, texting, etc. Reduce this even by a third & you will see, feel and witness the blessings in your time, inshaAllah.

Step 6: Seize the moment

A deeply inspiring story with ‘lessons from the waiting room’ – where a mother who has taken her unwell child to the hospital waits for the doctor to see to her child. She notices a young Muslim who uses his time in the waiting room, in a most effective & spiritually rewarding way, reciting from a pocket-sized Quran. Lesson to be taken here: Invest in a pocket-sized Qur’an and make it your best friend this Ramadan. Seize every opportunity & moment to be with Allah (S.W.T) through your recitation.

One of the best times at which to recite Qur’an, is after Suhoor. Having partaken from the Sunnah meal, and with a hour or two still to go before work or school this is the ideal jumpstart to your day. The Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) asked Allah (Subhanhu wa Ta’ala) to bless our Ummah in the early hours, and you will also be more likely to memorize ayahs at this time. Research shows that morning study creates better performance in students, so don’t miss the morning recitation!

Time Tip: Salah followed by Qur’an

Consider the following option that has worked well for numerous people in past Ramadans. Try reciting 6 – 8 pages of Qur’an (depending on the Mus-haf that you are using) after each of your 5 daily Salah. Add Qiyaamul-Layl as a 6th addition, and you will reach the end of Ramadan, having completed your Qur’aan recitation with ease & perhaps, even before the last 5 days of Ramadan so long as you remain committed.

Time Tip: Recite before going to sleep

Allah Subhanhu wa Ta’ala says: “Truly the rising by night is most potent for governing (the soul) and most suitable for (framing) the word (of prayer and praise).” [73:6] Reciting during the day is also beneficial, however the night time recitation is easier as well during Ramadan as there are less distractions and noise.

Step 7: Remain steadfast & consistent

The key to any success is consistency. Once you’ve mapped your plan, stick to it. Remind yourself of the greatness of this month, of the opportunities that it provides for your spiritual growth & your relationship with the Qur’an. Don’t be willing to compromise it in this month.

Step 8: Make Dua’a to Allah (Subhanhu wa Ta’ala)

Nothing can be achieved without the aid & guidance of Allah (‘Azza wa jal). When making your intention to complete your memorization of Qur’an, supplicate to Allah (‘Azza wa jal) to ease this noble pathway & to crown your efforts with success, inshaAllah.

That’s 10 ways I wanted to share with you on starting and completing your journey through recitation of the Qur’an this Ramadan. Indeed Allah (S.W.T) says in Surah al-Baqarah: "This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah" [2.2] Let the Qur’an be your means for attaining Tawqa this Ramadan.

In the hours of the days & nights of this sacred month, may the Qur’an be your companion of light & guidance, resonating through your words, actions & life mission. May your relationship with the Qur’an be strengthened, enriched & enlivened with the profound wisdom & divine message from Allah the Most High.

About the Author

British-born Haafidha Rayhaanah Omar is an international award-winning radio personality, certified life coach & consultant for Muslimaat, assisting them to develop their lives spiritually & emotionally. As the founder of Fee Qalbee, her passion lies in mentoring Muslimaat seeking to memorize Al Qur’aan, thereby enriching their lives through this noble journey. Rayhaanah has studied aspects of oratory & mass media communications both privately & at college level. She memorized the Qur’aan in less than a year & has since then, furthered her Islamic studies in numerous countries around the world. Her interests & specialty lies in ‘Uloomul Qur’aan, Seerah & Ahaadeeth. For 6 years, she served as the principal of Darul Qur’aan Linn-Nisaa’, an academy of Tahfeedhul Qur’aan, Itqaanul Qur’aan & Uloomul Qur’aan, with a student enrolment of 400 learners. An established, motivational speaker, Rayhaanah has successfully consulted to thousands of women on: confidence building, time-management, goal-planning & emotional healing. She has lived, studied abroad & traveled extensively with her husband. They have an 8-year old blogging son, Mu’awiyah & are currently based in Johannesburg, South Africa.


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