Important! Please Read!

Before exploring my blog, please remember this: If you came here to sincerely learn about Islam, please be open minded. Let go of any ill-feelings, ideas, thoughts, impressions, etc. that you may have against Islam or Muslims, due to the media or judging a "Muslim."

For better understanding of Islam and Muslims, I suggest reading the posts in order starting from August with the label Introduction to Islam (scroll down and look to the right for blog archive for proper order (from bottom to top)).

If you are interested in learning more about Islam and Muslims and would like additional materials/information, please leave a comment and I will try my best to help.

*Information that reads "Sisters" is for females ONLY. Likewise, anything reading "Brothers" is for males ONLY. Whether "sisters or brothers" is mentioned throughout my blog or on another site, please respect the rights of other people, both Muslims and non-Muslims.

**I do not intend to argue or debate with anyone, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and beliefs. If something is personal, disrespectful, or offensive, keep it to yourself. THINK BEFORE YOU ACT! (this includes what you type) If you do not wish to learn about Islam or Muslims, but just want to start trouble, do it somewhere else, not here! (or better, don't start trouble at all) Haters are NOT welcome here!

Please leave comments or questions you may have regarding Islam or Muslims. I will get to them as soon as possible. Enjoy your time here!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Torments of Hell

(author unknown)

If only you knew the torments of hell
It is the worst of places where anyone could dwell

It is in existence even as we speak
And for its inhabitants the outlook is bleak

On the day of rising, hell will be in view
A terrible sight, if only you knew

It will be brought forward by 70,000 reigns
And 70,000 angels will be on each of those chains

After burning for a thousand years, it’s flames turned white
A thousand more years, now it’s as black as the night

You think the flames are bearable, you’re totally wrong
The flames of hell are sixty nine times as strong

In a flash it will disintegrate all of your bones
The hellfire will be fuelled by man and stones

The thickness of your skin will greatly increase
Causing your threshold for pain to greatly decrease

The people in hell are there to stay
They will melt to nothing, 70,000 times in a day

70 years it will take, for a stone that is thrown
To hit the bottom of hell and it won’t be alone

The food of hell resembles a devil’s head
And to drink, boiling water and blood bright red

Which cuts up the bowels, everything will fall out
The inhabitants of hell will scream and shout

Some will be taken out by Almighty Allah’s command
But the polytheists will stay eternally damned

Take up Islam, the only way to succeed
And if you don’t, you’re unfortunate indeed

Brothers and sisters, help determine your fate
Once you see hellfire, it’ll be far too late.

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